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The Good Deed Project_GOODHome Starter Kit_Thumbnail 4x4.jpg

*The images are for visual reference only.

YOU CAN CHANGE A LIFE! Your donation, whether $10 or $1,000, will be deployed immediately to address urgent housing needs for the most vulnerable in our community, children, families, seniors, veterans, and those special needs individuals. Our range of services provide life-transformative, healthy and safe living environments through home rehabilitation and urgent repairs for low-income homeowners -and- home essentials for those transitioning into a new living space, either from homelessness or other dangerous situations.

 “I’m so grateful! I was just hoping for a mattress for my son and 2 cups to drink out of.” 

The Delivering Hope program was added in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to address emergency needs for those transitioning from homelessness and other dangerous situations by providing home essentials such as beds, kitchen tables, sofas, and other furnishings.   This is when we discovered a larger need that extended to the most basic home necessities. Oftentimes, people move into their new home with nothing, but the clothes on their back, and don’t have the means for  the  expense of plates, soap, or even toilet paper.


A bit of support goes a long ways! So with your help, we’d like to provide

families with a GOODHome Starter Kit on the first day in their new

space as a way to say, “Welcome to this new chapter of life.

You are not alone, we are here to help, and wish you much health,

safety and sunshine!” We believe everyone deserves a safe,

healthy and comfortable place to live and thrive. Your support and

generosity, will give hope and provide a fresh start to families in need. 

GOODHome Starter Kit

Large storage bin filled with 88 home goods including kitchen ware, bath towels & cleaning supplies. See full kit list below.

DONATE $150 /kit


Choose a contribution from the Giving Menu -or- an amount you're comfortably able to make. Your donation will have an immediate and long-lasting impact in the life of those who need a helping hand for a brighter future. 


Who needs these kits?  The first family we helped was a single mother -- a veteran with a looming cancer diagnosis and many other health issues from her time in the military -- and her child who battled mental health issues. After being homeless for many years, she was finally able to secure permanent housing, but was unable to afford the essentials for everyday living. The Good Deed Project helped her get a fresh start with beds, a kitchen table and home essentials. Laurie was in tears, “Oh my goodness, we get pillows too? ...I’m so grateful! I was just hoping for a mattress for my son and 2 cups to drink out of.” That is our goal: to leave more families and individuals with the feeling of relief and newfound hope – to give them a positive start so they can concentrate on jobs, child care and keeping the lights on as they build stability and a bright future for themselves and their family.

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Click the button to choose your life-changing contribution.

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